About This Game Travel to the four corners of the world with Brian and Gina in a crazy story packed full of surprises. Pirates, spies, surfers, soldiers, and even aliens get in on the act - all combining to create a wonderfully rewarding experience to savour and remember forever!With loveable characters, rib-cracking humour, brain-tickling puzzles and stunning graphics, Runaway, The Dream of the Turtle is a glorious sight to behold.Runaway, The Dream of the Turtle is an adventure game that is a pure pleasure to play.A beautifully produced adventure game, with rich scenarios, ever-present humour and captivating puzzles.Hundreds of places to explore throughout the world.Over an hour of superb animated sequences bring to life the intrigue, plot twists and many comic moments.High quality sound featuring cinema quality dubbing, as well an original and hugely inspirational soundtrack with both vocal and instrumental tracks. 7aa9394dea Title: Runaway, The Dream of The TurtleGenre: AdventureDeveloper:Pendulo StudiosPublisher:Focus Home InteractiveRelease Date: 12 Mar, 2007 Runaway, The Dream Of The Turtle Free Download runaway 2 the dream of the turtle download ita. runaway 2 the dream of the turtle pc. runaway the dream of the turtle komplettlösung. runaway the dream of the turtle gameplay. runaway the dream of the turtle lösung wii. runaway dream of the turtle windows 10. runaway 2 the dream of the turtle solution. telecharger runaway 2 the dream of the turtle gratuit. runaway 2 the dream of the turtle gog download. solution jeux ds runaway the dream of the turtle. nintendo ds runaway the dream of the turtle. runaway the dream of the turtle. runaway the dream of the turtle ds walkthrough. runaway the dream of the turtle rom. runaway a dream of the turtle. runaway the dream of the turtle español. runaway 2 the dream of the turtle walkthrough. runaway 2 the dream of the turtle download ita. runaway 2 the dream of the turtle ds. runaway the dream of the turtle komplettlösung. runaway the dream of the turtle ds walkthrough. runaway 2 the dream of the turtle free download. runaway dream of the turtle resolution. descargar runaway the dream of the turtle nds español. runaway 2 the dream of the turtle spolszczenie. runaway the dream of the turtle pc. runaway the dream of the turtle wii. runaway the dream of the turtle steam. runaway dream of the turtle resolution. runaway the dream of the turtle download. runaway the dream of the turtle walkthrough. runaway the dream of the turtle lösung. jeux runaway the dream of the turtle. runaway 2 the dream of the turtle crack. runaway 2 the dream of the turtle poradnik. runaway the dream of the turtle guia. runaway 2 the dream of the turtle ds rom. runaway 2 the dream of the turtle torrent ita. runaway the dream of the turtle wii iso. runaway the dream of the turtle ds español. test runaway the dream of the turtle. runaway the dream of the turtle gameplay. runaway 2 the dream of the turtle torrent Runaway: The Dream of The Turtle feels like 6 separate poorly designed point and click adventure games strung loosely together by extremely dated racism and sexual "humor" that culminates to a cringe worthy cliff hanger that was clearly intended to hype the next game but fails miserably. First, the game suffers from some critical design flaws. Namely performing tasks requires flags to be triggered. Say you search a trunk and find nothing. Go fish some goggles out of a puddle and suddenly that trunk has everything you need in it. Sometimes talking to other characters will suddenly allow you to see the random item that will be useful later on.The game was also buggy, Snow fall halted the game to a near standstill, I had to use a DirectDraw wrapper to get the game running at full speed.There is also some unusual cut scenes that add nothing. Near the end, we see main character Brian go scuba diving about 6 times in 1 cut scene, repeatedly getting in the water, getting out, talking to another character then repeating the process with slight variation in the animation. It doesn't make any sense WHY the extra-long animations were included when so many have nothing to do with the main story or are just inflated for no reason. Worse yet, the game has a tendency to crash during these cut scenes, so hopefully you saved before they started.But all of that is just design, I haven't gotten to the story. Story is nonsensical. I feel like it is trying REALLY hard to be Secret of Monkey Island and portray Brian as the second coming of Guybrush Threepwood, but he is not. He's an extremely unlikable and unfunny character that I tried to click of a cliff more than a few times. The game takes place in 6 locales, and with every shift in location the grip on the main story lines slips further away. At the start of the game you are searching for your girlfriend you kicked out of a plane, and by the end you are a mighty pirate. In between all that, you cheat on your girlfriend, get a man♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and finish that off by getting drunk.Yeah this is some real frat boy humor. It is filled with stuff that might have flown in an 80s sexcapade movie, but here it is just painful to sit through now.Like I said in the start to this review, the game ends on a cliff hanger. You go through each stage of the game looking for the next McGuffin, only to be rewarded with a To Be Continued.Racism is just annoying in this game. They have a 1950s Japanese stereotype running around being annoying. He was in the last game but only for a few scenes, now he is a major character. The game doesn’t seem to know what it is trying to be. Whether it’s an Animal House parody, a Spy like Us parody, Indiana Jones parody, or Secret of Monkey Island parody, it just fails at all of them. None of the little throw backs amused me. With that in mind I can’t recommend. I played the Runaway game that came before this, it had a ton of issues too, but it benefitted from a more humble character and more diluted sexism and racism.This game is just bad.. This a great step up from the first installment in the Runaway series in many ways. The improvements are enough for me to say that I would recommend this game to a friend. Before I talk about what really worked for this game, let me say the big issues I experienced.I broke the game in Act 2 by using the butter on Joshua while he worked on the bull, before I greased up the chain and untied it. This made it so I was unable to progress and it wound up taking me about an hour to finally consult the walkthrough and find out that it was impossible to continue. This is a really unfortunate thing to happen so early in the game, but I wish that was the worst thing I experienced. All of Act 4 was laggy beyond playability. I had to go through it with a walkthrough next to me, because every action took double the amount of time it should. If I did this legitimately, it probably would have taken a day just to play this one Act. Also, Joshua felt a little too much like the racially charged Mickey Rooney character in Breakfast at Tiffany's, which got overbearing at times.The story is pretty good, and it definitely keeps you guessing with the inclusion of military and alien things. There are some great characters that you'll remember like Knife, O'Connor, and Archibald. I didn't understand that I was playing through a "To Be Continued" game though, which can be upsetting when you see it. I feel like Pendulo could have stated that better in the description on Steam, because after 20+ hours of figuring out puzzles, I want to see Brian save Gina! All around, it's a great game, and I enjoyed all of the parts that played well. The logic through the game made sense, and it was fun to get the rewarding moments of successfully solving a puzzle. The cutscenes were also fun to watch, and it felt like they greatly added to the player having empathy to the characters.. The second in the Runaway trilogy, this game is a little rough, but still fairly fun.Many things are improved with The Dream of the Turtle. The characters' 3D models blend better with the 2D scenery, the animation is more fluid, the talking animation looks decent (but is still choppy when cut-scenes zoom in close), characters' conversations & reactions are written better, and the puzzles are still fun.However, compared to the first game, the plot is silly (downright sloppy at some points), and obviously written for the sake of pumping out a sequel. The game's plot stresses (and then snaps) suspension of disbelief, after which unlikely characters from the first game make a return, and then the game continues to get goofier until the ending.I recommend The Dream of the Turtle ONLY if you grab the entire trilogy. This is definitely the weakest of the series.. I'm only playing through it in order to better enjoy the third part of the series, which I heard was awesome.That's what I thought at least. Ignore this game, skip directly to the third if you've already played the first. It is utterly irrelevant.Around halfway you think the game is actually going somewhere. But it isn't going anywhere. This piece of garbage has a half-finished plot which ultimately doesn't go anywhere near where it seemed to be going(closure). At the end you're left with a foul, empty taste.All the puzzles consist of basically the same formula:"you can't move on with the story until you deal with some annoying moron or freak that is standing in your way just for the sake of prolonging your game time. And just when you think they'll FINALLY let you move on, NO, they'll find ANOTHER ridiculous reason to block your path"Seriously, this is the worst game design for an adventure game I've ever seen. Even if you figure out what you're supposed to do, the game still wont let you do it because Brian has to have an "a-ha!" moment first. Combining items or interacting with objects you KNOW should work isn't possible until Brian spells it out for you. There are many such "trial and error" portions throughout the game which result in needless backtracking.After I finish this and play the third part, I'll update my review and say whether or not this entry can be skipped entirely or not.. Nice adventure game, fun to play. Improves much on the first part. If they are on offer just play all three in the series.. A game that is only half a game (you will realise why at the end), a story that looks more like it was three or four different stories poorly stitched together. Brian, the protagonist has taken a turn for the worse and instead of the nice nerd guy from the first game we have a guy that thinks that he is cool but really isn't and is pretty unsympathetic at times. Other recurring characters have also taken a turn for the worse. The art is nice, the puzzles decent although there are plenty pretty inexplicable solutions. Not worth your time (especially so since the plot points from this game is extensively explained in the sequel).. NOTE: I had a lot of trouble running this game on my Windows 7 64 bit PC. It was unplayable even after attempting every fix I could find. Apparently this is due to an issue with AMD video cards. I had to run it on my laptop and use the new Steam In Home Streaming option to play on my PC. However, I still had issues with crashing, especially towards the end of the game. Keep this issues in mind when choosing whether to purchase this game.Runaway, the Dream of the Turtle is a point and click adventure game by Pendulo. It is the sequel to Runaway, a Road Adventure, and the second in the Runaway trilogy. In this adventure, Brian and Gina are continuing their island vacation shown at the end of the previous game. Things go awry, however, and Brian must become the hero once again.Mechanics in this game are exactly the same as the previous entry in the series. You can switch between looking at and interacting with objects using the right mouse click. Double click on scene transitions to switch quickly to the next scene.I did not notice much of a change from the graphics of Runaway, a Road Adventure, so my same critiques apply. Backgrounds look great once again. There are more of a variety in backgrounds as well this time, which is a nice addition. Character models could use some improvement. The voice acting is mostly similar, so serviceable without any major complaints.There are some story concerns this time around. Once again, almost zero interaction is had with Gina through the majority of the game, so it's hard to feel an attachment to her. Brian must feel this way too, since he jumps at the first new girl he finds on his adventure. I do have some issues with one of the characters, Joshua. He feels a little too much like a stereotype for my liking. The man character also dabbles in some light racism through the use of blackface while in disguise. The main character, Brian, comes off as very punchable during the first half of the game is in island attire. I believe it is the combination of soul patch and spiky hair that does it. The humor overall is funny at times, corny at others. There are some problems with pacing, with some areas done in a flash and others taking a very long time.The puzzles are very similar in style to the previous game in the series. You will have to spend some time trying to pick up everything in the scene to see what works. There is a fair bit of combining objects to complete puzzles. Some use the dreaded adventure game logic, but there are no unwinnable scenarios or deaths so you really just need to keep plugging away.Overall, I see Runaway, the Dream of the Turtle as on par with Runaway, a Road Adventure. There are some positive developments, such as variety, and some negatives. I would have given it the same score and my recommendation if there had not been a problem running the game. Since performance is spotty for AMD video cards, and I even had some crashes with my Nvidia based laptop that caused me to lose a good deal of progress, I cannot recommend this game.Score: C-
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