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Assembler used in the study) and the term electroporation ([@B16],[@B17]). In spite of the fact that it has been the method of choice to deliver DNA into cells, the range of possible applications of this technique have been very narrow. Further in the method, selection of the media used for the procedure is crucial, because the need to optimize several parameters and determine the most advantageous is a common, complicated, difficult and lengthy processes. In the initial studies, electroporation with the well-known components of *E. coli* transfection mixture (such as chloramphenicol, ampicillin, and isopropyl-β-[d]{.smallcaps}-thiogalactopyranoside) was tested. Results indicated a great potential of electroporation for the delivery of oligonucleotide sequences (not just plasmid DNA) into bacterial cells ([@B18]). In the subsequent studies, electroporation was used to manipulate the nucleic acid sequences. When compared to random insertion methods, it has been shown that electroporation is a more efficient and precise method for insertion of DNA into bacterial cells ([@B19]). In the studies on the development of electroporation-based methods, the influence of electroporation conditions on the number of cells with inserts was studied. These studies showed that higher electric voltage, shorter pulse duration and the addition of CaCl~2~ to the electrolyte solution increased the fraction of transformants ([@B20]). Further analysis of the electroporation conditions has shown that the most appropriate electroporation conditions are a pulse duration of 1.5 ms and an electric field strength of 30--45 kV/cm, depending on the media used and the size of the insert ([@B21]). In addition to the major commercial kits for the generation of fluorescent protein expression cassettes, several other methods have been developed. The RecA-mediated recombination technique is another effective method for generating expression cassettes, which generates the GFP expression cassette and then integrates it into the genome of bacterial cells using homologous recombination ([@B22]). **The CelloBricks recombination method** The CelloBricks method was recently developed by the company IDT. This technique enables the introduction of the sequences of interest into the cells, using the strand annealing, amplification, and homologous recombination in a single step. The DNA sequences are linked into




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